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Profit-and-loss report-2013

“Kyrgyzinstrakh” IJSC

ITEM 2013
Insurance activities  

Insurance activities

599 967 820,00

Premium, assigned to reinsurance

-543 330 221,21

Change of unearned premium provisions

-54 574 412,00

Change of reinsurers share in unearned premium provisions

45 063 760,14

Net earned premium

47 126 946,93

Gross paid losses

-46 241 594,00

Reinsurers share in losses

38 907 454,00

Change of losses provisions

487 425,00

Change of reinsurers share in losses provisions

102 817,50

Occurred losses net

-6 743 897,50

Change of other insurance technical provisions


Costs of doing business, total

-25 946 793,33

Including acquisition expenses

-11 342 319,47

Including administrative expenses

-20 724 296,41

Including commission for risks assigned to reinsurance

6 119 822,55

Other incomes from insurance activities

352 467,92

Other costs for insurance activities


Net technical result from insurance activities

-169 222,72

Investment activities result

7 235 201,72

Including investment income 

7 346 291,48

Including investment expenses

-111 089,76

Other incomes

2 379 545,00

Accounting period result before taxation

9 445 524,00


-1 109 822,00

Net profit

8 335 702,00